The Servant Initiative is a meshing of 40 years of experience through combining servant leadership based on biblical teaching, learning how to easily yoke with Jesus, and experiencing an outflow of His rhythms of ministry and leadership in our lives. So, buckle up and put yourself or leadership team on the path to apprenticing Jesus and living out of Him!
All sessions can be done in online Zoom gatherings, retreat or conference style, small groups, and in team leadership development settings.
We can also offer training and spiritual direction on an individual level. Call for info on the cost of your session or retreat at 541-621-8814.
If you would like to become a part supporting member of "The Servant Initiative" and receive all of these resources then email us at: [email protected]
See the samples of THE SERVANT INITIATIVE TRAINING FOR LEADERS and THE ART OF NET MENDING by clicking these links. To unlock the other modules, become a member
All sessions can be done in online Zoom gatherings, retreat or conference style, small groups, and in team leadership development settings.
We can also offer training and spiritual direction on an individual level. Call for info on the cost of your session or retreat at 541-621-8814.
If you would like to become a part supporting member of "The Servant Initiative" and receive all of these resources then email us at: [email protected]
See the samples of THE SERVANT INITIATIVE TRAINING FOR LEADERS and THE ART OF NET MENDING by clicking these links. To unlock the other modules, become a member
BECOMING LIFE CHANGING LEADERSA fresh look into the ways that you can best serve others in your leadership roles.
Truly great leaders are servants who lead on the path that takes others to the cross. S0, Ya wanna be great in God's kingdom? This module is excellent for Zoom meetings, small groups, Leadership development, one day events and includes study resources! Contact for pricing! [email protected] |
HOW DO WE SERVE ALL OF THESE SHEEP?In this module we learn the shifting points evidenced in the explosive growth of the New Testament Church, how to serve all these sheep, while relying on more of Jesus and less of ourselves in our leadership.
This module is excellent for Zoom meetings, small groups, Leadership development, one day events and includes study resources! Contact for pricing! [email protected] |
HEALTHY LEADERSHIP STRATEGYThe forefathers of our faith lived with unparalleled reliance upon the Spirit of Jesus, out of the box thinking, pioneering courage, and a love that was willing to serve and die for Christ and others. That's wildly Healthy Strategy!
This module is excellent for Zoom meetings, small groups, Leadership development, one day events and includes study resources! Contact for pricing! [email protected] |
our DNA
EMOTIONALLY HEALTHY LEADERSHIpHealthy leaders make their strengths dominant by building on them, their weaknesses irrelevant by working around them and through serving the people they manage or partner with. They do it all with the same gladness Jesus had!
This module is excellent for Zoom meetings, small groups, Leadership development, one day events and includes study resources! Contact for pricing! [email protected] |
The Rhythms of Jesus' Servant Leadership"The Rhythms of Jesus' life demand that I begin to match my Leadership activities to what I understood the Bible to teach, rather than permit tradition and cultural expectations to rule my actions.” Here we learn what the Outflow of Jesus' Servant lifestyle looks like so that He is lived out in our co-laboring with Him.
This Module is intended to be comprehensive in scope. It can be used as a package resource for apprenticing Jesus in your organizations, not for profits, churches or ministry teams. We also provide it through events, conferences, retreats. and Zoom meetings. How ever you decide to do it has the potential to personally renovate your life in ways that will further bring you into conformity with the work of Christ. This module includes study resources! Contact for pricing! [email protected] |
THE RHYTHMS OF THE good fatheR AND HIS leadership“We seldom see Jesus and God the Father in the same way. Many see the Father as this while-haired old man sitting somewhere on a cosmic rock, very irritated and looking for some human being to zap. Then many people feel that Jesus comes along and says, “I know Dad has moods, so you stick with me and I will get things for you.” This split view between Jesus and God the Father cannot be accurate.” Here we will take a hard look at the Nature of the Father and fix the broken Cultural narrative!
This Module is intended to be comprehensive in scope. It can be used as a package resource for apprenticing Jesus in your organizations, not for profits, churches or ministry teams. We also provide it through events, conferences, retreats. and Zoom meetings. How ever you decide to do it has the potential to personally renovate your life in ways that will further bring you into conformity with the work of Christ. This module includes study resources! Contact for pricing! [email protected] |
THE RHYTHMS OF the Spirit in Leadership“Surely, if you love God, you will want to have everything happening in your life that God wants for you. This will certainly mean having the overflow or filling or baptism that marks the presence of the Holy Spirit. The question: Is this available for us today? Maybe you have begun to long for this lifestyle. However, in the event you feel as yet unimpowered, let me offer a simple approach to the overflow of the Holy Spirit. God responds to the hungry, seeking heart. He does not wish to force himself upon us. We hear his voice and we choose to follow him. (John 10) There is no other way.”
This Module is intended to be comprehensive in scope. It can be used as a package resource for apprenticing Jesus in your organizations, not for profits, churches or ministry teams. We also provide it through events, conferences, retreats. and Zoom meetings. How ever you decide to do it has the potential to personally renovate your life in ways that will further bring you into conformity with the work of Christ. This module includes study resources! Contact for pricing! [email protected] |
WHAT SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP SHOULD LOOK LIKEServant Leadership that lasts is all about love.
“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind… (1 Corinthians 13:1-4) This module is excellent for Zoom meetings, small groups, Leadership development, one day events and includes study resources! Contact for pricing! [email protected] |
a handbook for